a trip of faith is on the way again! YOU can come too!

2007-04-11 Slideshow: Erlinet’s trip from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia to 5 cities Hobart, Katoomba, Dumaguete, Taree and Madesimo was created by TripAdvisor. See another Italy slideshow. Take your travel photos and make a slideshow for free.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


My Latest Book is still in print I used lulu publishing this time but I have a book I am still writing
maybe I will try a different company not sure of that one. Yes my life has been a lot of anxiety and
troubles with health and broken bones through a car accident 1998. I was never expected to be the
same again walking and talking and getting around o.k. I was with two fractures in my back 1998
and walked with a lot of assistance with aid of cradle, walking sticks, and some time reluctant to
say a wheelchair. However today I feel stronger and I got married again, after my wife walked out
the door, she had enough of our 35 years married and now I was disabled she could not see a future
in that? So she left I was re-married again in 2003 and as you can read in part of my book I was
married in Philippines, in a registry office before I left the Philippines. Then returned after 2 years
of my wife waiting for the Immigration to grant her a visa, this was a real test for both of us. I was
not a tax payer being a Missionary and a preacher I was not required to pay tax. This made it hard
for the Immigration to grant a visa for my wife to come to Australia. So after 2 years went by and
we waited and prayed fervently to the Lord Jesus Christ. The question popped into my mind what if
I was to go to Philippines for a visit, as surely as a chicken laid eggs Erlinet my wife would fall
pregnant for sure being only 37years old when I met her? Anyway to cut a very long story short this
was the plan of God. I believe still this was the inspiration of God for me to go to Philippines and
sure enough Erlinet fell pregnant as I suspected and NOW the Australian Government allowed
Erlinet to come to Australia on the basis that the child would be Australian after all. As soon as I
came back from the Philippines 2005 I told the Parramatta office in Sydney, of the Australian
Embassy, that my wife Erlinet is pregnant and as I thought they was to grant a visa right away! So
this was the beginning of a new life for all of us, Erlinet came into a new life in Australia and had a
baby boy named Joshua on the 28th July 2006. We are all doing well happy and healthy, and we are
all wondering if the Lord is going to allow us to minister to others in an Evangelistic, prophecy
motivated ministry. We all had a visit to Philippines using the baby bonus to go to Philippines on
Joshua 2 yrs old to see grandfather and grandmother? We are praying that the Lord will allow us to
visit the U.S.A. and Philippines in the same trip away from home. Our Faith is right out there and
now it is up to the Lord God to bring it to pass. Psalm 37: 5-7 God gives us the desires of our heart
as we commit them to Him. I would like some one to have a look at my latest book and give
positive comment. I do have another one on the way,” The Last Trumpet of the Remnant Church"
(1) and (2) “Blow The Last Trumpet In The Remnant Church” (and an exert is:). We are called to
blow the last trumpet, in the remnant church. Now to some people they would have to study the
next ten years to know what that means even. However this means there is now, (or going to be) a
certain people, to blow a certain sound, to the body of Christ. The certain sound shall be from a
small army of selected people, from the remnant church. This explanation it self is a separated
teaching. Anyway to be (quite plainly speaking} their special message of these certain people
shall be both prophetic and with the manifestation. The remnant Church of course is already
certain called out people “ecclesia people” but out of these people shall be a people that are
called to manifest Jesus. To manifest Jesus in a way that has never been seen before in our life
time. However in the days of old when the Apostle Peter would minister to the people all it
took was a shadow of Peter to heal the sick, Peter would be walking passed the sick person to get
to some one else, and just the shadow passing the sick person was enough power in it to heal the
sick and to cleansed the lepers. These signs shall be happening again in a greater way, as God is
preparing a people that are the “ecclesia” and are prepared to pay the price to see this happening
in their lives. These people that God has called are prophecy motivated people that are prepared
to be the voice of God in these last days. Notice He did not say the voice for His Church there has
been prophets speaking to the Church, but these people shall be the voice of God. The body of
Christ shall know them by their fruits of their Spirit and by the power of God that shall flow
through them, the Glory of the Lord shall shine through them, and they shall be people that
overcome in all areas of their lives. The voice of God that shall be coming through these
“ecclesia” called out people, shall be giving a clear and prĂ©cised message that not every one shall
like or even receive. So in short this message is the last message that is being given to the body of
Christ and not all shall receive, because not all are ready to hear, it will be a message of
manifestations of the son’s of God.
Foundation scriptures (Roman 8:14 -19) acts chapter 2 -4 and Hebrews 6:5 with the example of
Luke 13:11 and Isaiah 60-61
(This exert or sample is out of the short book that is still being written)
By Reverend Brian Richards.a.i.p.c. [M.A.C.A.] “Word of Faith Ministries International” (Aust)
These are the hall marks of distinction when it comes to the perfected church now look at their
threatening, (1) the Holy Boldness is the first sign that God has touched the people:
(2) They all become Prayer Warriors they have learned and have a confidence in their
own Prayers, and prayer with authority and Boldness.
(3) The Saints are all of one accord, there is now an oneness of Spirit in agreement
in works and deed, especially in prayers.
(4) They have all come to learn how to trust good leadership. THIS IS THE 4
MAJOR SIGNES OF THE REMNANT CHURCH. This Church is here now and these are the signs
how we will identify them. This Church shall be People of Power = A Transformation
People that hear from heaven.
As we study the scriptures we see that the 4 lepers sitting at the Gate = were the first people that
were used, to bring about God’s will be done. Hebrews 6:5 this can be talking about a present
reality and a Rhema. A twice spoken word for to-day! And Luke 13:11 can be taking about the
church in the condition it is right now? All over the world there is a stereo type taking place in the
Pentecostal Churches those that are truly Spirit filled must have noticed this all over the world.
There is a praying for revival here and there and of course God is still working where he can, many
are being saved and set free from the sins of the past. This is wonderful and being delivered from
many bondages of demonic spirits. This will never really come to a full stop by the grace of God
this will continue, but we are called to manifest Jesus and do greater things than Jesus, because He
said so. Jesus said you shall do greater things, because I go to the father, the greater things are
Salvation because Jesus had to die first before we could have Salvation? Some people are happy
with that! But no the scripture say that all creation groan’s till now, for the manifestation of the
son’s of God. I will talk more about that with scriptures in another place in this book and other
books. I touched on this subject in my last book “Whom is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus
Christ” However the point to be made here is that the present
condition of the church is not one that is ready to rise and shine? The Church is just like the woman
that had a spirit of infirmity and had been bowed over for eighteen years. Actually been preaching
that way for years, until I saw in scripture Luke 13 :11 that the woman was not just bowed over she
was bowed together, meaning she was bowed together like her hands and feet were tied together
with ropes. This is how the Church has been today been tied together, being bound hands and feet
and not being able to straighten up for eighteen years. The woman could not see Jesus Coming
unless she could out the sides of herself. This how the church is listening to Jesus being bowed
together like doubled over and tied hands and feet, and not being able to lift herself to see straight
ahead. The church has seen out the sides of being bowed together, in an obscurity has seen and
heard Jesus. Has been prophesying in part, and seeing in part, and only knowing in part. However
but there is coming a time and now is that time. When Jesus will call, and touch the church that is
bowed together spiritually with an infirmity, and she will be able to lift herself and see straight, and
not be restricted any more. The church that is listening at this prophesy has already started rejoicing
knowing this already, and just waiting for the time when Jesus will touch the church again. The
laying of hands on infirmities has stopped in a lot of churches, and the prophecies had stopped also
because so many now preach that this has stopped and we are too grown up for the childish things.
This is wrong teaching and it will be shown to be wrong teaching, even the church in its full age
will still be imparting the anointing for miracles and supernatural knowledge by the laying on of
hands. There will be people receiving 20 years of revelation knowledge through the anointing and
the laying on of hands. However beware the people still controlled by Satan shall have a simular
anointing that will be imparted through the eyes, remember the eyes are the windows to the soul,
and Satan will try to do things this way. Enough about that maybe I can talk about that in some
other time, with some other topics. The pattern I wanted to show here is the manifestation of the
sons’ of God and when we got that manifestation all devils with flee from us in terror anyway.
O.K. here is the Patten.
Joshua in this instance signifier’s the world’s system the way we know to day.
The walls of Jericho mentioned in Joshua chapter 2 are the representation of
worldly gates of hell. These are the walls that will not prevail against us that the
Lord Jesus spoke about. When he said to Peter “upon this rock, [the rock of
revelation knowledge] no walls will prevail against it. Meaning no walls will
prevail against us, in the name of Jesus. We all can, and some must experience
the tabernacle experience, meaning the manifestation of the son’s of God. [It is a
feast of Glory and His appearance] Deut 16:16 however not all will have this
experience this is, because not all believe the same way. Obadiah 21 say’s Saviours
[plural] shall come upon Mount Zion. Romans 8: 13-14-18-19 talks about the
manifestation of the sons of God. 1391 strong’s concordance and 6012 talks about
DOXA = means to bring to the senses Glory apparent’ 1Corithians 10:11 (world here
is meaning=Ages) this is the mystery of how Jesus was to come, today is the same,
how and when is Jesus to come again?
Now Solomon married a lot of women, this symbolising the church has married a
lot of women too. Now a remnant is coming out of the church right now! Just like
in the dark ages of old it’s happening again. There is a remnant of people that are
listening to God. The Temple of Herod is a dead church. The Glory has departed the
first time and now the Church is still dead to the voice of the Spirit of God. 2Thes
1:12 to be Glorified in the Saints. Romans 13:14 put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ezekiel 43:1 Appearing of Glory of God. East represents where sun rises, and starts
a new day. End times are finished; it’s all over. A NEW day dawns. This is a NEW
Psalm 102:13 Arise and Mercy, Build Zion in Glory.
HAGGI 2:6 filling the house with GLORY.
SI 60:1 Glory
1Pet 1:10 Glory that will follow
Rev 21:11 City and Church are the same. The 7 Spirits of God, and the candlestick.
1 John 1:5 God is Light. Psalm 119:105 let the word of God be a Lamp onto you
feet and a LIGHT unto your path. Ephesians 1:18 understanding is being
ISA 42:8 my Glory I will not give to another? [That’s Old Testament] we are not
another we are one of the same, we are with Him, He is now ready to be Glorified in
us. Colossians 3:1-3 the old augment is it’s appointed unto man once to die. Yes-:
So we are appointed once to die, in the waters of baptism? Don’t we?
What were all them graves doing opened at the crucifixion? [What was that all
about}? “He that believeth into me thou he was dead, he shall live, and never die.
James 5:7 tells us to be patience Hosea 6:2 and 2 Pet 1:16 all comes into play at
this time. Matthew 17:1 talks about 6 days Number of 6 is significant. = 6 is the
number of man. 6 days Jesus took Peter, James and John, up the mountain and
shown them the two figures Like Mosses and Elijah as ghosts. PETER AND JAMES
AND JOHN. Signifies Passover, Pentecost, and tabernacles remember a day is a
thousand years to the Lord? (6) Being the number of days Joshua and is men
marched around the walls of Jericho on the seventh day they all fell down. (6
days or 6 thousand years significance) 7th day the walls came down. In John 2:
there was 6 earthen vessels that could hold 20 Firkin’s (or Gallons) of water, each
one. Meaning 120 Gallons = 120 Jubilee trumpets signifies (50 yrs) 119 Jubilees
trumpets have been blown and they are gone, since Adam. 120th trumpet is
getting ready to blow now. This is significant for the last trumpet of God, to voice
the last message of God. Before he comes back in the clouds, as soon as them
water pots are filled, they were changed into wine (God is saving the best till last)
We are all being changed, we are all being caught up like the ram in a bush
caught up in a bush for sacrifice, so he can manifest His Glory. People being
caught up to a most Holy Place, Third day people being caught up to manifest
Jesus. JOB 38: talks about [Tressure’s in the snow] whom is that treasure in the
snow? Romans 12:1 &2 [Conformed] = Transformed = Transfigured = Menamorfus.
The word [renewing] = Block out, Knockout, and to renovate. 2
Corinthians 3: 18 Changed = Transfigured into the same image or Glory to Glory.
Written by: Reverend Brian Richards.a.i.p.c.[M.A.C.A]
“Jesus and His Word are One”

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